Monday, March 4, 2013

The Helper

I take one step forward, putting my right foot in front of my left. I look over the edge and take a deep breath. I close my eyes as I imagine just taking one step to the side and then I would be falling. It's as easy as that. One step.

But if it's as easy as that, why can't I take it?

"That's what ran through my head." The guidance counselor, Miss Pillton, looks at me and crosses her legs, folding her hands in her lap. "Can I leave now? I know you'll tell my aunt about all of this, so why can't I just go ahead and leave? I have no friends here anyways..."

"Leave this room? Leave the school? Leave the town or the state? Or just leave this life?" I cross my arms over my chest and lean back in the bright, yellow armchair.

"Just this room. I'm not like that anymore. It's been a year, Pill. I haven't had those thoughts in forever, except for when you ask me to tell the story over and over."

"I only ask you about the story because I want to see how you react." The alarm on my phone rings and I take it out of my pocket as I stand up, silencing the alarm.

"Session's over. It's my last time, do I have your permission to leave?"

"Yes. I am pleased with your progress and I don't believe I can help you any further." Pill takes out her stamp and puts a star on my hand, ushering me out of her office and back into the rumble of school hallways. I wave goodbye to Pill and head to my locker, grabbing my books.

I turn around to go to my next class, but someone runs into me, knocking me over. I slide about five feet and my books go everywhere. A few people kick me and I just lie there. I hear someone near me say, "Dude!! What's wrong with you? You just knocked over that freaky weirdo!!" I roll my eyes and slowly get to my feet, watching the room spin before my very eyes.

"I'm so sorry!" I look at the boy walking over to me, and before I can back away, he's kneeling down and grabbing my books for me.

"It's fine... Sorry. It was my fault..." The boy stands up from the floor and tilts his head to the side, almost as though he doesn't understand. He opens his mouth to say something, but his friend who spoke up earlier interrupts.

"Come on, Wes!! Get away from the little freak!!" The boy named 'Wes' hands me my books and smiles at me.

"It wasn't your fault, so don't worry about it. I just wanted to make sure you're okay..?" I nod at him and then Wes continues to talk. "Yeah, I'm new here by the way. My name is Wesleigh, but most people prefer to call me Wes for some reason. Nice to meet you."

"Hi... I'm Jessica." I take a deep breath as I push a strand of hair behind my ear, and then I notice that Wes has AP English books in his hands. "Are you going to AP English now?"

Wes nods and looks down at my books. "Ah, cool! We have the same class together!! I'll see you in there, okay?"

It's my final year in high school and I've finally made one friend. One friend. Wesleigh.

Maybe this year will be different with this boy... This helper.

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