Sunday, October 19, 2014


Wow. It's been a while, hasn't it?

I'm finally back.

I'm finally writing again.

And I'll tell you what. It feels great.

There's something I want to address first, though, before I get back to my writing. One of my friends is going through a really tough time, and just so you know (I know you'll probs read it, J), we are here for you. Through the ups and the downs and the sideways corkscrews, the loop-de-loops, and the drop towers... We are here for you.

I know that probably sounds like a cheesy piece of garbage or whatever and that it ain't genuine and such, but it is. We know what you're going through, in a different way. We have all experienced what you're going through, just in different ways.

For instance, for me, he never talked to me. We sat in silence and he simply said one day, "We're done." It hurt, but it was a weight off of my shoulders that I didn't think would ever go away. Truthfully, he beat me to it. And I see him every once in a while, but I know that it all worked out for the best.

It hurts, but life hurts too. And then life moves on.

It's all right. We all have our issues and hard times, and it will get better. No matter how much the pain hurts right now, you have friends to pull you away from that.

I need to be pulled away from something right now, and my mind is swirling because of it, but I know that once I see all of y'all - all of my friends - I will be all right.

We don't need no man haha we're independent :)


I've been trying to write a story for the longest time and literally, I just realized that all of my main characters are the exact same. They have the same personalities and the same everything. They reflect me. It was a very emotional moment for me when I came to this realization.

But if you guys really want to read a story, I'll give you one. Just not this week ;) Don't worry, writing month is coming up soon, so there will be a lot of writing and posts then, I think. See you then ;)

Thursday, May 29, 2014



I'm going to be selfish for a moment and talk about my pain.

I'm a broken person. I've dealt with so much crap in my life and I honestly don't know how to get away from it. I have only had two people in my life that were able to take away my pain, but one of them is in college and no longer cares about me, and the other one is a moron. I love them both, I do, but they just don't take my pain away as much as they used to.

The one I never speak to is leaving me forever, moving on with his life like I was never a part of it. It hurts. More pain to add to my list. The other one, the moron, he is still alive and well and we see each other everyday, but he doesn't see through me anymore. He used to be able to tell when my pain was overwhelming, and now he doesn't even know when I'm speaking to him.

Here's a poem to keep you all entertained and not have to listen to my rant. I was feeling a little too lazy to add my punctuation in there, so I think I'll leave it be.


I'm broken
And out

A porcelain doll
Into dust

No one can
Feel me

I am left
On a shelf
Of rotting

And I am
To be taken from
That shelf
That horrid

Never to be
Smiled at
Twirled around
Loved again

I just sit
And crack
And crumble
Until the day
When I am
Forever broken

Beyond repair
No one cares

I am an
Unfortunate soul
Looking for a
Better shelf

I do not move
I stay in the past
On the shelf
Of memories long since

No one can fix me
Except One
I just need time

But maybe
Being broken
Beyond repair
And crumbling

Is what I
Is what I
No, what I

Because my brokenness
Is necessary
For me to forget
To feel again
To say goodbye
To love

I must be

Thursday, May 8, 2014



I know it's been a really long time since I've posted anything - like a month. But hey, I've had a lot of fun interesting stuff happen since I've been gone.I know y'all would just love to hear about it LOL

Okay so I am still stressing about academics, and I have an exam tomorrow that I'm freaking out about. THREE HOURS OF ENGLISH! I MEAN I LOVE ENGLISH BUT THREE HOURS OF STUFF THAT I CAN'T PREPARE FOR?! I like to write and I am gifted with grammar, but three hours of comprehension reading and essays? I hope I can survive it... I think I will, but I just want to pass and do well on it.

Anyways, besides that... I gave that blood like a month ago and that went well - I didn't pass out haha :) And now prom has passed and that went well too LOL went "stag"

Let's see, what else? Ah, how about a little something for entertainment? Like a story?

Anneylia moves from left to right, swaying back and forth to the music. She surveys the room and then her eyes meet his - Lucian. His sandy blonde hair bounces on his head as he walks towards her. "Would you care to dance, milady?"

Lucian holds out his hand to Anneylia and she gratefully takes it. "Of course. I-It would be my honor."

"No, the pleasure is mine, princess." Lucian guides Anneylia onto the dance floor and after a few toe bombardments, the two of them begin to move beautifully. Everyone else stops dancing to watch Anneylia and Lucian dance. A crowd gathers around them and before the two members of royalty know what is going on, the entire party is centered around them.

Anneylia stops and runs from the dance floor. "Anneylia!" Lucian tries to get to her, but she disappears into the crowd. He sighs and runs his hands through his hair. Kenneth walks up to Lucian and claps his hand on Lucian's shoulder.

"That is unfortunate, Prince Lucian." Lucian glares at Kenneth for a minute before looking grimly at the floor.

"I should've factored in her shy personality and known not to dance with her... I must go apologize to her."

"I suggest you stay and have a good time without the child."

"She is not a child, Prince Kenneth. She is our age, and she is to be married soon. I wish to be the only candidate for her."

"Luci, I think it best if you do not follow the desires of your childish heart. You have known this girl since neither of you could talk... Do you not think she deserves better?" Lucian stares at the floor again and Kenneth pats his shoulder again. "You know I am, indeed, correct."

Kenneth walks away from Lucian, leaving the prince alone in the middle of the dance floor. Lucian walks out of the ballroom and onto the balcony, seeing Anneylia there. "Princess..."

The princess is startled for a moment, but quickly relaxes as the recognizable sound of her best friend's deep voice reaches her ears. "Prince Lucian..."

"Please, do not be so formal in front of me. I wish to one day become your husband, and formality is no way to speak to your husband."

"Stop talking nonsense! You and I both know that my father must pick a suitor for me, and has he called you forth to him once?" Lucian glances at Anneylia out of the corner of his eye and leans against the balcony railing before looking down at his shoes.

"No, he has not."

"Then why are we even talking about this? It is not a reasonable conclusion." Lucian grabs Anneylia's shaking shoulders and turns her to face him. He notices her tears instantly and wipes them away with his thumbs. He hugs her close to him.

"I know there is a reasonable conclusion. You always said you wanted to live a fairytale. I can give you that." Lucian smiles at Anneylia and takes her hand in his.

They walk into the dusty old ballroom, holding hands. A small child runs past them and twirls in her little, white dress, giggling to herself. Lucian leads Anneylia to the middle of the barren dance floor and wraps her in his arms, and they begin to sway.

Anneylia stares at the little girl and looks up at Lucian. "She's beautiful."

"She's ours."

She looks into his eyes as he mouths one word, "Fairytale."

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

How's Things Goin'

I am literally so tired - this year has sucked the life out of me. But hey, academics aren't that bad so I really have no right to complain. Other than my knee (which is not academic haha)... For some reason, it feels like it is going to explode. Ya know, like pressure is being put on the back of it and I just don't know what to do lol

Anyways, thought you guys might want an update with my life :)

My best friend is getting married. I am so happy for him! He's gone through a lot and he finally found happiness! I mean, they've only known each other for eight months and have been dating for that long, but hey, if he thinks it's the right choice, I'll support him! I am really really happy for him, though!

My other best friend changed schools. That makes me sad, but I know she is doing better there and we still keep in touch...a lot. Haha and she actually has a blog too, but anyways, I love her like a sister (if I had a sister) and she just means so much to me. I'm glad she is able to live up to her potential :)

Prom is coming up. I am going, as the boys say, "stag." Although, I will have eight other girls and one guy there with me, so I won't technically be going "stag." I think it will be a lot of fun!

I have been writing a lot. Not on here (obviously) but just in general. I am writing a book for fun and so far it is going great!

But then again... With my whole friend situation. There is this one dude who just will not stop annoying me. I can't stand it! Whenever I am around them, I never get a chance to talk and it's just so - ugh! I am really getting sick of this dude and I don't even know why I put up with this crap.

On a lighter note, I take piano and it is really fun. I use it kind of as a refresher from the hardships in my life.

I'm donating blood on Friday. That should be fun. I feel like I gotta give back cuz ya know I had two blood transfusions when I was younger and some strangers saved my life. Maybe I can save someone else's. Plus I kinda wanna know what my blood type is haha

Anyways, this whole blog post is just a bunch of random crap that I threw together on a page, but if you stuck around this long, I'm glad and just for you, I have put a story at the end of this. Well, a poem actually... I wrote it when I was feeling really down in middle school. It's just one of those poems lol ;)


My words
My life
My family
My love
My friends

They're all gone
They've been stolen
Why does this happen

Everyone loves
Everyone hates
Everyone is indecisive
Everyone is stolen
No one is correct

What is the concept
Of all
All of this stolen

Why do things need help
Why can't they just live
Without help

Why does it hurt
When something is torn
Why does it hurt
When something is broken
Why does it hurt
When something is stolen

What does it mean
Taken away

The world cannot be real
It is in our eyes
But what is it really

The world is corrupt
Taken away
It is


Hope to hear from you guys soon :)

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


I'll tell you what - I'll give you a little taste of a little something I'm working on. I'm not sure if it's already on here, but if it is... Sorry :/ Maybe you can just read it again and see how you like it.

In a far off world, there was a girl. She was lonely because she thought that she could not be seen or heard by the only other life form on the planet - the boy.

The girl, with her flowing brown hair, slipped into her white dress. She walked across the field and looked at the boy. She stared into his beautiful gray eyes - like glowing charcoal after water has been poured over it - and saw no emotion there.

The girl spoke to him, called out to him, but he did not answer.

The wind began to pick up, and the boy's brown hair blew in front of his eyes. She reached up to brush his hair away from his face so she could see his beautiful eyes once more, but he turned his head and let out a deep breath.


The boy watched as the girl came up to him, and he felt as if he had known her at some point in his life. She had come to see him every day, at this exact time, but he knew that this was not what he was thinking of. Where do I know her from, he thought.

As she stopped in front of the boy, she reached up to touch his hair. He looked away and acted as though he could not see her. After all, that is what is supposed to happen, right? He let out a breath that he didn't know he was holding and tried to take a step in the direction of his "home," but he found that his feet would not move.

Something was keeping him there, but what? Seeing that girl every day, he thought, must be my problem. She has influenced me. But I cannot stop thinking about her. Why is this?

He turned back around and found that the girl was all the way across the field, her shoulders shaking slightly as tears flowed down her cheeks. I feel as though I should go comfort her, he thought, but why do I feel this way? The boy turned around again, and this time, he took a step forward and didn't look back.

I really like this entry. It makes me remember why exactly I became a writer in the first place. I'm definitely going to write more and post things as often as I can. Stress is overwhelming, but this writing helps. I'll see what I can do ;)

Adios for now...

Macabroni & Cheese

I literally have no idea what to write. I'm so tired of everything... I just want to curl up in a little ball and just stop. I love my friends and I love hanging out with them, but sometimes they just get on my nerves.

I mean, what are we four? "That's so and so's spot. She's been sitting there since the beginning of the school year!" Oh, stupid me. I didn't know that the seats in the cafeteria were engraved with our names on them. So, there's that whole deal.

And then my friends broke up with his girlfriend - or he was dumped - or... Well, they aren't a thing anymore.

Anyways, there's so much freakin drama and I just can't deal with it anymore. Yeah, tell me I whine and I complain and I'm a jerk and there's no reason for me to even be saying these things, but let me tell you something.

The reason I always talk about this is because you keep making it an issue. I don't have to name names. You know who you are.

I'll tell you what - if I get a few views on here, I will write a story and post it. That should get things flowing a bit better. Maybe it'll be about a friend of mine...maybe not. When I decide what it's going to be about and once I write it, I'll be sure to let you know.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Clean Slate

Okay so I know I have probably already touched on this a few times throughout this blog, but do you know how stressful junior year is?! I got my first C this year and some people made fun of me that I got a C, saying, "Oh! Wow, a C! End of your life, right?" Other people said it wasn't the end of the world and it didn't matter...

Well, to me, this year has been pretty bad so far. But I've been out of school for three days now because of snow and I am so happy about it! I started writing two new books and I can't wait to see how they turn out and I've just got so much going for me now that I've been away from all of the stress.

It's a clean slate.

No fights, no stress, no pain. It's all fun and games, literally.

I'm really happy right now, and I can't think of anything that would make me less happy.

Unless I don't make States in swimming, then I'd be a little bummed, but I hope I can do it!

Anyways, I'm sure some of you want a story, so I'll give you a poem instead.

Onnnn second thought, most of my poems are pretty dark so I'll use a song that I wrote for one of my friends. I'm not sure he liked it because I wrote it in like five minutes, but I don't care. I don't think it's all that good either, but still, it's something to read other than that rant up there. My friend asked me to write about quantum, dreams and stuff and I really had no idea how to incorporate that... There is one word that is missing at the end. It is for you to decide.


A world.
Is possible.

Stops me

A new world
Calls to me.

It begs me-
To escape
Into a world
Yet whole.

This world-
I created it.
It is 

Is my escape.

My time-
It is now.
No matter
I do.

There will
Always be
A new-
New world,
For my

I have
I know

I am
In control.


They help
Into this

A world
Where I
New things.

An escape
To another world.


Is there 
A difference?
Are they all
The same?

Is this
To escape?

Is it

My escape

Of it,
Is decided-
It is
To me.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Please Read:

So guys... Christmas Vacation is coming to a close and I start school on Monday - yay... -.-  Anyways, there's not a lot of stuff that happened over break. There were a few events...

I had like seven Christmases because of my parents' divorce, but that's normal. They've been separated for a long time and divorced for quite a while. I honestly can't think of a time when they were together... Wow, that was eleven years ago, I feel old, man.

I went to Florida with my dad for a soccer tournament my stepsister played in. I'm not a big soccer fan so that was okay...

Two of my friends absolutely hate me. That's an event, I guess. I don't really know why. I guess I'm a jerk or something. I've known this one person for twelve years and they just now decided to tell me how they felt. My best friend hates me. I don't get it. The other person... We've had a few fights, but we've always worked it out. She won't even talk to me to tell me why we're no longer friends.

I know this post probably sounds like I'm just whining and stuff and being selfish and trying to get pity, but honestly, that's not what I want. I just want someone to listen.

After this post, I probably won't be posting a lot of other stuff on here because I'm going back to my old self and concentrating more on my real friends - the ones that care about me.

I'm done. I just don't want to be going through all of this. If they're done, I'm done. I'll be a friend, but if they hate me, there's not much I can do. So... I guess I'm just done with it all.

I'm signing off for now. Maybe I'll write some other time...

Here's one of my final poems. I wrote it a long time ago - 2 years, I think. Well, here it is:


Can this really be over
I never thought that this would end
How can this be
How did this happen

What did I do to deserve this
Why can't I just be
Without not being me

I remember when we walked together
You said we'd be forever
What happened to him
How long will this petal be separated from the stem

Tell me
Why did you do this
Didn't we promise
That we'd always soar

Dude... 12/18/13

Okay guys, so right now I am on three different electronic devices - phone, computer, and wii. Yeah, I know that it's weird that I'm on three things, oh wait. No, it's not. I was actually just thinking about all of the things going on with my friends and stuff, stupid drama and I don't even know what else, and I thought that it was different.

What is "it" exactly? I have no clue. I just thought something was different. Well, I'm on four devices with my gameboy now. Yeah, I'm a nerd and I know it's not cool to be playing a wii or a gameboy, but hey, I like it.

Anyways... I've been trying to talk to one of my friends, and I know she probably won't read this because I'm pretty sure she hates me right now, but it's just... I've been friends with this girl for a while and I love her to death, but she's stopped talking to me and I don't know why.

I actually just closed a chat with her.

I don't know what to do. We've been through so much and I don't even know anymore... I'll just go back to playing my video games and maybe she'll talk to me. I don't want to be a bother to anyone, especially her. I guess we'll talk sometime.

But really, it's none of my business, ya know? So I think I'm just gonna take a step back and wait it out. I'm not giving up, I'm just waiting until whenever. I know a lot of this doesn't make sense, but I'm just gonna go ahead and stop this blog post now.

I have no idea what just went on here because I'm sick and I'm just tired and I don't get it and blahhhhhh