Tuesday, May 21, 2013

3...2..1! MB

So, marching band is starting up on Friday. That'll be fun - colorguard has already started, though. They have tryouts and whatnot before we do, but that's cool haha :) I've got some big news though! It's going to be announced tomorrow, so I guess this is a spoiler... I'm going to be in the leadership this year - SQUAD CAPTAIN!! I can't believe it! I'm so excited and I can't wait for marching band this year!

Beware, new marchers... MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Just kidding, but seriously, band size doesn't matter as long as we have fun and enjoy everything - glorifying God in the process. Music is my way to vent sometimes. I look at my clarinet and I just think, "Wow... I've been doing this for seven years. I can read music and march and memorize things all at the same time in 100 degree weather - and it's great!"

Marching band is probably one of the best things that has happened to me. I love it so much and you know, it's more than just a band. We're a family. Every time one of the seniors leaves, I cry a little bit on the inside. Except for two years ago, I actually cried a lot then... But that's another story. I'd try to describe what it's like to be on the field, performing in front of so many people and moving at such a fast pace - with a schedule to follow and a period amount of time to go by...

But I can't.

I mean, let's see...

I look straight ahead at the marcher in front of me, his plume is already beginning to wilt in the August heat. I focus on my clarinet, steal a glance at my shoes, and then scold myself for looking down (something you never do in band). I look back up at the wilting plume and try my hardest to suppress the growing smile on my lips.

You'd think that after four years of marching band, I'd be getting better at hiding that smile. Oh well... Maybe it'll be better in a minute. I blink a few times as sweat gets in my eyes. Attention is called and the whole band moves as one. I look up at the bright stadium lights and put my mouthpiece up to my lips. This, right here and now, is what I have - the whole band has striven for. This moment on the field - the audience quiet, the soft sound of the insects buzzing around in the muggy night sky.

This is the moment. My moment. The band's moment. Our moment.

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