Wednesday, April 17, 2013

What's-His-Face (Part 3)

here's something to cheer you up:

I am walking down the hallway with some friends when Dalton passes by me. He says, "Hey, shiny... Still shining?" I smile at him and just roll my eyes.

"Yeah, that's me. Shining up the world over here." Dalton laughs and keeps walking, trying to get to the lunchroom early. He passes through the door and stands there for a second, holding the door open for me to pass through. Then he leaves to go sit at his table.

I walk to my table and see that some of my friends are there, but because I just finished up the organ part of the dissection in anatomy class, I decide I better go wash my hands again - for the fourth time. After my "magical" trip to the restroom to wash my hands, I go back to the lunchroom and sit down next to Julinka.

Julinka is this adorable girl in my grade, she's so cute - like a little kid (she's going to hurt me for saying that). Anyways, I look at her and say, "Didn't order? I thought there would be FCA today..."

Julinka nods and says, "Yep. I didn't order because - I just didn't." I laugh and motion to the lunch line, the two of us walking up together. We get our food and head back to the table.

After a nice lunch filled with laughing and a lot of cookies, I throw my trash away and walk out the door, heading down the hallway. Julinka catches up to me and says, "So..." Her voice trails off and then I hear the word special. I make her stop talking and repeat what she just said, but I still don't catch it.

So, instead of agreeing with her or anything like that, I say, "Like, a special man?" And I say it in a very country accent. Julinka stares at me for a moment before bursting out into laughter.

"Speeecial maaan!!" She tries to be country and that's when I burst out laughing.

"Are you trying to be country?"

"CRUNCHY?!" We both start laughing and then she says, "I am not crunchy!!"

"No, Julinka, you are a very crunchy woman and you deserve a special man." I say all of this with my country accent and wait for Julinka's response. But I realize that I'm at my locker and she has to leave.

"Hey, I'll see you later, Crunchy!!"

"Bye, Speeecial!"


I get into seventh period and Dalton's sitting across from me. I sit down and he brushes past me to get to his seat. "Hey..." Dalton smiles and I smile back. That's when Kairos bursts through the door.

"Helloooo!" He sits down in front of me and turns around, talking about the newest band he found out about. Our teacher steps to the front of the room and begins to teach. Kairos falls asleep when the teacher tells him to put his head on his desk (I don't get it either).

As Kairos is asleep, I listen to the teacher, Mr. Korren. Mr. Korren looks around the room and loses his track of thought. He finds it again and that's when I feel my desk move a little. I know Kairos isn't doing it, so that means Dalton is.

I turn to face Dalton, but he's just sitting there, all happy-like, smiling at me. "What're you doing?" He furrows his eyebrows and shrugs.

"I didn't do anything..." I wink at him and turn back around. Yeah... Right, and I'm Captain America. My desk moves again - multiple times - and I turn around just in time to see Dalton's leg move back down.

"I saw that!" I point to Dalton's shoe, and then, realizing that he told me a while ago that it was rude to point, I hold out my hand and twirl it at him. Apparently, I say my little outburst just a bit too loud because Mr. Korren looks at me directly and opens his mouth to say something.

"Guys!" I turn back around to face Mr. Korren and listen to him speak for the rest of his class - and I mean, really listen. And before I know it, class is over and everyone's out the door.

I gave her a country-speaking lesson. Crunchy. Country. Special. Man. And as for him, well... He's been kind of distant and I'm - I don't know. He was kind of flirting today, I think... But I don't know. I don't know a lot, I guess... Especially when it comes to guys. Unless it's my best friend, he's someone that I do know. He tells me everything - literally.

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