Tuesday, August 27, 2013

xXxXx It's Not So xXxXx



I don't know how many of you guys watch PLL, but that season finale was so intense! I don't even know where to start haha :) But right now my head is so confused with the ending and everything just seems so jumbled. I can't believe it!

So... I'm a little scared for this year, guys. So many things going on and I don't know how to work them out. My once best friends are wheedling their way back into my life and then my other best friends are dropping me off a cliff and then these people that I didn't even think of as possible friends are now my friends and I just- it's been a really long week, and it's only Tuesday.

A few questions:

Why is life so hard?
--> It's life - that's how it's supposed to be. If it wasn't hard, life would just be called, "super happy fun time."
Why does my best friend insist on hiding things from me?
--> I don't know about you guys, but my best friend has been acting weird lately. I mean, last year this person was telling me to stay away from this guy because my friend was afraid that this dude would "hurt" me. Then, when I asked my friend why they felt that way, they said they couldn't tell me until I was older.
What does that even mean?!
--> I don't know... This person really confuses me, but I stay friends with them because I can't help it. They make me smile :)
Why are there all of these questions?
--> I just wanted to fill up some space in this blog...


I feel as though I am being watched, but when I turn around, no one is there. I look up at the streetlight and pray to myself that he'll be here soon. I look at my watch and sigh. It's quarter to twelve, what could he be doing?

Suddenly, there is a loud screeching sound and everything around me darkens. I am aware of a slight feeling of weightlessness, but as quick as it came, it was gone. I feel my body hit the ground, but I'm not really there. I can see everything from a distance, as though I am looking at everything from above the earth.

I'm dead...

I look inside of the car and see him unconscious in the front seat, with blood running down the side of his head. I don't want to die yet... Not without him. His eye twitches and then he opens his eyes completely. "Ouch... Baby, what happened?"

He shakes his head back and forth and gets out of his car, walking around to the front. "What happened?!" He picks me up in his arms and I feel a slight tingling sensation in my back. He kisses my forehead and I see tears run down his face as he looks back to his car. "I was just trying to text you to tell you I'd be a little late. I didn't- I'd never mean to-" His voice breaks as a sob rises in his throat.

I can feel a stinging at the base of my neck and there's a lot of pressure on my body. Jolts of pain make my body convulse and everything goes black. I feel an enormous amount of pain as it courses through my body and when I slowly open my eyes, all I see is white.

Maybe I'm not dead...

Then, I see his face. Flashing red lights make my head ache and I close my eyes again. Everything fades away and I am left to my imagination as to what happened for the rest of that night.

I spent the next three months of my life in a hospital, having surgery after surgery, and he stood by me the whole time. He was able to do this because the charges of texting and driving were dropped when the police learned that his friend was behind the wheel, not him.

He was in a motorcycle accident a few years later, and the same thing happened to him. I've always wondered why, exactly, our lives were spared. I still haven't found the answer. but I know that someday, I will find my purpose in this world. We all will.

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