Thursday, February 28, 2013

An After Tale


I walk through the meadow, taking in the warm sunlight as it reflects off of my skin. As the soft summer breeze blows through my hair, I spin around in a circle. I lie down in the grass and look to the left, noticing someone approaching.

"Thanks for finally showing your sorry face around here..." I sit up as I say this, and then he sits down next to me. I move away from him and then he stands back up, walking over to me.

"Hey, now... I wouldn't miss this for the world. You know that I love you, don't you?" He runs his fingers through his hair and take a deep breath, searching my eyes for a moment before looking down at his feet. He kicks a small pebble - which, in turn, hits me in the forehead. I fall back into the grass as he begins to laugh.

"Shut up..." He kneels down in front of me and places a gentle kiss on my forehead, making a fire ignite within me. The fire is not the good kind. It is more of a painful sensation than it is a wonderful feeling filled with emotion. The fire spreads throughout my body and when I reach up to feel the spot where my face got in the way of the pebble, there is no pain there.

"Does that feel better, my little Token?" I nod at him and he scoops me up into his arms. I try to wiggle out of his grasp, but my attempt is to no avail. I sigh and he looks down at me, rolling his eyes. He sets me down and I walk next to him, jerking when he grabs my hand in his.

"We have to go see the engaged couple now... I'm sure they'll have much to talk about." He looks down at me and smiles the biggest smile I think I've ever seen. Then, he shocks me with his next words.

"I think we should follow suit, my dearest Token."

Sunday, February 10, 2013


Days like today
Are the start of something new
A fresh start
A clean slate
When you need to forget your past

Whatever happened
I won't ask
If you promise me
That you'll do the same

Days like today
When you can't
Even though I'm here

Though I'm here and I'll stay
Stay for you
So you feel

You feel like
Like you're where you belong
With me
And I with you

We're where we belong
And happy now

Today is
Your day
My day
Our day

Is Today
And it's just

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Aliens? Beings? What are they?

One day
They were

They weren't
They came
Within a night

And this night
They are gone

The other
They are
No longer

They were
And bruised

They were saved
By the people
Of this world
The people
Who orgiginally
Betrayed them

Now everything
Is back
To normal

They come


Snowy Clearing

The snow falls all around me, quietly, silently. I fall down to the ground, lying on my back, and turn my head to the side. As the cold begins to make my cheeks turn red, I close my eyes. I take a deep breath and look back up at the sky when the bit of light that is shining through the clouds is suddenly blocked. "What do you want?"

I sit up as the boy sits next to me and when he lies down, I stand quickly. "Why are you here?" He doesn't answer my questions, but instead just sits there silently. "Fine." I turn to walk away, but he reaches up and grabs my wrist.

"Wait." I freeze as the warmth of his hand on my wrist spreads throughout me and I stiffen. He stands up and then his face fills my vision. "Don't run from me, please..." I look away from him and close my eyes, taking a step forward.

"Please, I never wanted to hurt you. I..."

"Then why did you?! Why did you hurt me? You left me all alone and now you want to accompany me everywhere? Stop it!!" I turn from him as hot tears run down my face and a pair of arms wraps around me. I crumble in his arms and fall to the ground, but he catches me and holds me there in the snow.

"I love you."

Monday, February 4, 2013


I sit up in my bed and look around, hearing a loud ringing in my ears. I swing my legs over the side of my bed and gently place my feet on the hardwood floor. I walk over to the door and open it slowly, walking into the hallway lit by only one flickering light. I head for the door at the end of the hallway, hoping that something or someone is waiting for me.

When I reach the door, I place my hand on the doorknob and wait, feeling the heat growing closer. The smoke starts crawling underneath my door and I turn around, walking back to my room. I casually step out onto my little roof that overhangs my porch, and then I jump down to the porch railing, lightly stepping into the grass. I pull my cellphone out of my pocket and look back at the dorm room, seeing the fire spread and the explode through the windows.

I close my cellphone as the text sends and then I grab my shoes from behind the tree that I used to sit under. I take a deep breath as I am tying my shoes and then he's standing right next to me. "Hey." I look up at him and he smiles, holding his hand out to me. I take it and he pulls me up.

We start walking, the dorm room slowly burning to the ground as we walk through the forest. We come to a clearing and I hear the click of a switch. I smile as I turn around, knowing that he is ready for this fight. "So... Are you ready to face those little creatures of the night?" He nods and I take my place next to him as the little creatures begin to come out of the forest.

They are pale white, with blood-red eyes. The creatures' fangs protrude from their mouths, piercing their lips. But they seem to take no notice of that fact. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, searching for my sword in my mind. I find it and when I open my eyes, it's right there in front of me, in my hands. "Take the West. I want the East."

As the creatures begin to crawl towards us, maniacally laughing, the boy and I stand back to back. "As you have said, it shall be done."

We wait there for what seems like hours... And that's when I feel him fall next to me.