Tuesday, December 18, 2012

An Angel's Night

This is just a lttle something that I came up with today... Just wrote off of the top of my head and it was really fast... So, yeah!! :)

I walk through the shadows, trying to see through the fog that has settled in over the city, but I cannot see anything - not even my hand in front of my face. I close the door behind me and walk across the rooftop, not knowing where the edge is. Nothing is clear anymore... Why am I here? What have I done to be in this mess?

I close my eyes as I look down at the road far beneath me, realizing that I am at the end of the concrete roof on which I now stand. "This time, I will not turn around. I will fall. I must..." There is a faint click of a door shutting behind me and a lock slips into place, and if it was not for my special hearing abilities, I would not have heard the noise.

I take a deep breath and let it out slowly as I turn around, seeing a boy with a gun. He raises it so that the gun is pointing directly at my heart, and I hear the sound of the gun being cocked. "You know, if you jump, I will shoot myself..." I squint my eyes to see the boy through the thick fog and I gasp, covering my hands over my mouth.

A silent tear runs down my cheek as I realize who it is. "Luka, put the gun down..!" I take a step back from him and feel my foot slip into nothingness. Oh no..! I didn't want to die with him here... I don't want him to watch me die!!

I close my eyes as I feel the wind rushing through my hair, and then I feel a pair of arms wrap around me. "Thaela, you should not close your eyes when falling..." I open my eyes quickly at the sound of Luka's voice, and as I do so, I stop falling. Everything stops.

I look around quickly and see that time itself has stopped. I look back at Luka and see that he is frozen as well. What just happened..? I gently place my hand on his shoulder and Luka takes a deep breath, smiling at me. "Well, I am glad to see that you remember how to stop time, my love." My eyes widen as he says this and he hugs me tightly.

"Okay... Um, for one thing, what do you know about all of this? And for another thing, why did you just call me your love? I thought we were over... That was the whole reason I-" Luka presses his finger to my lips and kisses my forehead gently, shaking his head ever so slightly.

"You will remember soon, love... And right now, I do believe that we should get time started up once more... What do you think?" I smile and nod at him, a little bit confused, but happy all the same. I close my eyes and think the exact same thoughts that I was thinking when time stopped, excapt backwards. I wish time would just continue...

Wind begins to rush through my hair again, but only for a moment because all of a sudden, I am floating again. Only, this time, I am moving up and down. I open my eyes to find Luka looking up towards the sky, and a pair of white wings protruding from Luka's back are carrying us towards it. He is my guradian angel..? Great, I am in love with an angel... The luck I have.

I shake my head slowly as Luka lands gently on another rooftop. "My love, do you remember now?" I close my eyes as a small tingling sensation erupts in my head. Then, I remember everything - Luka and I dancing in the meadow, the two of us hanging out at some coffee shop, spending every waking moment together.

"We are both angels... Guardians to those who need us... But, we were meant to be for each other, as a couple... Is that right?" I look up at Luka and see a huge grin cross his face. He nods and pulls me into his arms, kissing the top of my head.

"That is right, love." He pushes away from me and lifts my chin so that I am looking directly into his eyes now. Luka presses his lips to mine and holds me close to him. That is when I relaize that we are floating, and that I have wings. They are the same color as Luka's, and as I am looking into Luka's eyes, I come to know that what I am meant to do is defend this earth from the evil and the sin that has overtaken it.

"We will protect this world, side by side."


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