Thursday, January 30, 2014

Clean Slate

Okay so I know I have probably already touched on this a few times throughout this blog, but do you know how stressful junior year is?! I got my first C this year and some people made fun of me that I got a C, saying, "Oh! Wow, a C! End of your life, right?" Other people said it wasn't the end of the world and it didn't matter...

Well, to me, this year has been pretty bad so far. But I've been out of school for three days now because of snow and I am so happy about it! I started writing two new books and I can't wait to see how they turn out and I've just got so much going for me now that I've been away from all of the stress.

It's a clean slate.

No fights, no stress, no pain. It's all fun and games, literally.

I'm really happy right now, and I can't think of anything that would make me less happy.

Unless I don't make States in swimming, then I'd be a little bummed, but I hope I can do it!

Anyways, I'm sure some of you want a story, so I'll give you a poem instead.

Onnnn second thought, most of my poems are pretty dark so I'll use a song that I wrote for one of my friends. I'm not sure he liked it because I wrote it in like five minutes, but I don't care. I don't think it's all that good either, but still, it's something to read other than that rant up there. My friend asked me to write about quantum, dreams and stuff and I really had no idea how to incorporate that... There is one word that is missing at the end. It is for you to decide.


A world.
Is possible.

Stops me

A new world
Calls to me.

It begs me-
To escape
Into a world
Yet whole.

This world-
I created it.
It is 

Is my escape.

My time-
It is now.
No matter
I do.

There will
Always be
A new-
New world,
For my

I have
I know

I am
In control.


They help
Into this

A world
Where I
New things.

An escape
To another world.


Is there 
A difference?
Are they all
The same?

Is this
To escape?

Is it

My escape

Of it,
Is decided-
It is
To me.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Please Read:

So guys... Christmas Vacation is coming to a close and I start school on Monday - yay... -.-  Anyways, there's not a lot of stuff that happened over break. There were a few events...

I had like seven Christmases because of my parents' divorce, but that's normal. They've been separated for a long time and divorced for quite a while. I honestly can't think of a time when they were together... Wow, that was eleven years ago, I feel old, man.

I went to Florida with my dad for a soccer tournament my stepsister played in. I'm not a big soccer fan so that was okay...

Two of my friends absolutely hate me. That's an event, I guess. I don't really know why. I guess I'm a jerk or something. I've known this one person for twelve years and they just now decided to tell me how they felt. My best friend hates me. I don't get it. The other person... We've had a few fights, but we've always worked it out. She won't even talk to me to tell me why we're no longer friends.

I know this post probably sounds like I'm just whining and stuff and being selfish and trying to get pity, but honestly, that's not what I want. I just want someone to listen.

After this post, I probably won't be posting a lot of other stuff on here because I'm going back to my old self and concentrating more on my real friends - the ones that care about me.

I'm done. I just don't want to be going through all of this. If they're done, I'm done. I'll be a friend, but if they hate me, there's not much I can do. So... I guess I'm just done with it all.

I'm signing off for now. Maybe I'll write some other time...

Here's one of my final poems. I wrote it a long time ago - 2 years, I think. Well, here it is:


Can this really be over
I never thought that this would end
How can this be
How did this happen

What did I do to deserve this
Why can't I just be
Without not being me

I remember when we walked together
You said we'd be forever
What happened to him
How long will this petal be separated from the stem

Tell me
Why did you do this
Didn't we promise
That we'd always soar

Dude... 12/18/13

Okay guys, so right now I am on three different electronic devices - phone, computer, and wii. Yeah, I know that it's weird that I'm on three things, oh wait. No, it's not. I was actually just thinking about all of the things going on with my friends and stuff, stupid drama and I don't even know what else, and I thought that it was different.

What is "it" exactly? I have no clue. I just thought something was different. Well, I'm on four devices with my gameboy now. Yeah, I'm a nerd and I know it's not cool to be playing a wii or a gameboy, but hey, I like it.

Anyways... I've been trying to talk to one of my friends, and I know she probably won't read this because I'm pretty sure she hates me right now, but it's just... I've been friends with this girl for a while and I love her to death, but she's stopped talking to me and I don't know why.

I actually just closed a chat with her.

I don't know what to do. We've been through so much and I don't even know anymore... I'll just go back to playing my video games and maybe she'll talk to me. I don't want to be a bother to anyone, especially her. I guess we'll talk sometime.

But really, it's none of my business, ya know? So I think I'm just gonna take a step back and wait it out. I'm not giving up, I'm just waiting until whenever. I know a lot of this doesn't make sense, but I'm just gonna go ahead and stop this blog post now.

I have no idea what just went on here because I'm sick and I'm just tired and I don't get it and blahhhhhh