Monday, September 16, 2013

Lifetime w/ a Story

Oh my gosh guys! I just finished these two really awesome stories! And one of them made my ahjdhflhsadkja and then the other did the same. I literally finished both of them last night and I couldn't even! I was so happy and sad at the same time! I couldn't deal with it! I just couldn't! They were both so cute and they're up there with my all time favorites!!


Kel's Diary:

So anyways, I just thought that today and everyday would be a great day to tell you that I care about you. There have been a few instances where I've run into some people that didn't really want to keep on living. Even though I had no clue who they were, I felt that they just needed someone. I talked to them and helped them out, and everything was going well.

Don't worry, there are no "buts" in this story. See, all I wanted to say was that I love everyone and even if you don't like me, or if you even hate me, I will always leave a spot for you in my heart. These people that didn't want to live, I helped them realize the need for living. That they had a purpose in this world.

"Kel! It's time for school! Come on!!" I close my laptop and slide it into my messenger bag, running down the stairs and out the front door as my mother hands me a piece of toast for the road. I hop into Gavin's car and begin munching on my breakfast.

"Kel, how long were you going to make me wait?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Gavin rustles my hair and I punch him in the shoulder.

"Ouch! Come on, I'm driving!" Gavin looks at me out of the corner of his eye and sighs. "You shouldn't do that. You're a girl."

"One, that was sexist. And two, if you don't want me to punch you, don't aggravate me!"

"Sorry, Miss Touchy-Feeley..." I punch Gavin once more and he winces, rubbing his shoulder.

"I don't know, neither do I want to know what exactly you're trying to imply." By the time I'm done with my breakfast and Gavin has pulled into the parking lot, classes have already started. "Gavin, we're late again!"

"It's not my fault that your fingers are glued to that electronic device of yours! It's been ages since anyone has ever used those things! Why do you insist on using it even though they're old and outdated?" I shrug and place my hand gently on my bag.

"Maybe it's because I feel that every time I type something with my fingers, I feel that I am reaching out to someone far away. Maybe I've helped a lot of people and I just don't know it yet. Somehow, though, I can feel that the things I have written have really brightened up someone's day. Someone... Somewhere..."

"Somewhere in that loopy head of yours. No one uses laptops anymore, Kel. Get over it and just go outside for the sunlight every once in a while... Like the rest of us. What happened to the Kel who used to play with me everyday after following me home from school? I miss that Kel..."

I didn't realize up until now that Gavin and I had stopped walking. He's closer to me now than he normally is. Since he's a lot taller than me, my face only comes up to his chest, but somehow, this closeness feels...different. "Gavin..?" I slowly look up to find him staring intently down at me.

His hand brushes against my cheek and I immediately take a step away from him. "Gavin, Kel, what're you doing?" Arel walks up to the two of us and wraps his arms around both of us. "Are the two of you skipping school this early in the morning?"

Gavin and I both shake our heads and Arel looks at the two of us questioningly. "Then, what're you-"

"Nothing, big brother. It's nothing to get concerned about." Gavin begins walking to his locker before I can even finish my sentence. Arel stands in front of me and crosses his arms over his chest.


I quickly walk past Arel, but he grabs my arm. My eyes follow Gavin as he gets farther and farther away from me. "Please, Arel, I'll tell you later when we're at home." Arel narrows his eyes at me, but I feel his grip loosen, so I wiggle out of his grasp before he changes his mind.

By the time I get to the lockers, Gavin is already gone. "The only good think about lockers is that ours are next to each other, so we can talk in between classes and all... Even though we're in different grades, we still have our lockers next to each other. That's good, I guess."

"Of course it is. Now, hurry up, slowpoke. We have to get to class before the teacher thinks we're completely skipping out. Want me to walk you to your classroom?"

"Sure!" I smile at Gavin as he picks up my books, the two of us walking down the hallway together.

I'm glad I have a friend like him. He may be the only one, but he's the best...

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