Monday, January 14, 2013

Let's talk about this...

Have I ever told you my definition of love? Well, here it is. Love is caring about someone to the point of where you no longer care what happens to yourself, as long as the one next to you is safe. Love is feeling something so strong for him or for her, that when you are out of their presence, your heart aches and your soul yearns to be closer to them.

Now, how does love start? How do you get all of these feelings in the first place? Well, that would be a very good question for someone who gives you advice. But, I guess since I'n here, you'll have to look at this ;)

All right, so... For starters, let's talk about the "crush." Someone who gives you twitterpation in your heart when you look at them - all of those little butterflies begin to fly around in your stomach. You're at a loss for words with one look, and when he or when she stares into your eyes, your heart stops beating for a minute. You can't breathe. That's a crush. -- <3 Now, to talk to them and actually get to know them, you have to become their friend (which leads to the friend-zone) OR If you don't really care about how well you know them before you go out with them, I suggest you just go for it - ask them out.

Then, there's the "getting out of the friend-zone." So, friend-zones... I'm actually one of the people that is initiating this right now, but I have a reason and it's a pretty good one at that (but that is another story). Okay, so back to friend-zones. Basically, this is when one of your friends suddenly seems "appealing," so to say, to you. You begin to get clammy hands and you start to sweat when you see them because your mind has wandered off to what it would be like to spend the rest of your life with him or with her. The friend-zone is something that is very hard to get out of, and it takes a long time to understand what's going on and how you're feeling. But once you realize your heart's true intentions (wow, that sounds cheesy), you should understand what to do. Gradually leave hints, or ask one of their friends to help you out. Find out if they like you back before going and pouring out your heart and soul and leaving everything on the table for them to see. They could either take it and hold your heart in their hands, or they could take a knife and stab it, twisting it deep into you. -- :( The friend-zone is not really a good place to be -- :/ But I have tried to get a few examples for you to be able to understand how to handle this.

Next is "the hottie." There's not much to this one, other than when you look at them, they make you drool because they're so hot. ;) Haha... Normally, this is one of those people that you keep a distance from because they make you nervous, but if you do wanna go for it, just go all out. Ask them to go with you! :)

Okay, so back to more serious stuff... This next category is "love." How do you know if it's love? Well, let me give you a few examples. One, scientifically, if your crush lasts for more than three months, it's love!! (blah blah blah and more science-y stuff) :P Anyways, the way you know it's love... They're all you think about. Every time you see them, your face lights up and they make your day just a bit brighter. When you're near him or near her, there's nothing to hide. You can cry, laugh, smile, frown with each other, and the other is just there to be with you, to listen and to hold you. Someone who really cares, cares about you, not about themselves. You watch their back, they watch yours - that's how it works. When you love someone, there's no "second-guessing" it. You know all you need to know. There's not a doubt in your mind that he or she is "the one."

So, you may be asking why I decided to write this... The answer? I don't really know. I feel like some of you guys out there might be confused about some stuff. Now, do I follow my own advice? Why, that's a completely different post to be made ;)

And by the way, all of you people out there who don't know what I'm talking about or have never felt anything towards anyone else, let me just tell you. You're loved. You're not invisible and there's nothing anyone can do about it. You're here. And there's someone out there, I bet really close to you, that loves you more than anything - and you just don't know it. Things are hidden out there, and then again, some things aren't so hidden. But whether they are or whether they aren't, there is someone out there who cares. :) Like me, that's why I wrote this. I care <3

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