Sunday, December 15, 2013

Bunches of Randommm

Man, you guys... I'm sooo bored. I just got back from this awesome church party and there was dancing and couples and I was like, "Meh. I'm single." My two friends were there and they were so cute with their love interests or whatever you want to call them.

Anyways... I thought you might want to read something from a book I wrote with one of my friends. I've been thinking about this friend a lot. She's been having a hard time with some stuff and I'm not exactly sure what's going on. But I want to be there for her in any way I can, ya know? She's one of my best friends and I don't want to ruin that with anything stupid that I usually do.

You know what? I think I'll write you guys a poem instead.

The Crop

This crop
It is in the dirt
In darkness

It is unloved
Not cared for
Taken away

This crop is unable to be changed

It is now loved
Cared for
By you
By me
By all

When it is uprooted
It is loved even more
It is cut
And shredded

It is hurt
But loved

What is it to do
This round crop
That has been enclosed
Not cared for

But is now being tended to
These crops
They can no longer be covered 
Or unloved

Because they are loved
By people
And so many others
Because they are no longer covered


Monday, December 2, 2013

No Title

All right, guys... It seems that my entire blog is just about ranting. Maybe I will become a psychiatrist and then I can help everyone out with their problems on my blog and I can turn it into an advice column.

Haha I was kidding. Anyways...

I've got another friend. Oh yes, I do have those. A select few ;) Nah, I really do have friends. But wait... That sounds conceded to me. Ah whatever you guys know what I mean. Back to the point.

So this friend I have... She's having some issues with feeling lonely and also feeling misinterpreted, as a word for it. Well, I just want to clear up for me that this friend I've got is wonderful and awesome and everything you could ask for in a friend.

I want to speak for me and me alone. I don't try to mock her with a "friendly" tone. I say these things wholeheartedly and truthfully. I see in her my former self, my cousin, and most of all, my friend. She does things that are adorable or cute, and that's why I say that.

I mean, come on. When she gets nervous or is just simply standing around, she waves her arms up and down and kind of looks like a baby bird or a squid or something and it really is cute. I believe she should be excited that we think of her this way. We don't - I don't mean it in a mocking tone. I mean what I say.

I feel pretty close to her now because we are in marching band together and stuff, but she brought to my attention the issue that guard and band are separated.

Yeah, I already know the divisions of guard and band. For crying out loud, I've been doing this since - well, this is my sixth year. So, I'm a pretty old veteran when it comes to band. There is definitely a division there.

And it's not that we want there to be one, it's just that the guard and the band are different from each other, ya know? Well, we all love each other the same, we just do different things. The band people that do not socialize amongst each other with the guard are idiots, honestly.

I have friends (shocker) in both the band and the guard and in different grades both lower and higher. I've never had a more close-knit family of classmates than I do in marching band. I love it. I love all of them.

There are some that do not like the guard, likewise for the band. I don't know what their reasons are, but that's how it is. :/

Another point was brought up. We gossip like middle schoolers. Yeah, dude, that's true. I'm not going to deny it. I take part in it, but the only reason why is because this girl we're talking about degrades me and makes me feel like I am nothing.

Yeah, I talk. I try not to - Boy, do I try not to. Usually, I don't. But when it comes to this girl's boyfriend who happens to be my best friend, I'm gonna tell him straight up what I think. I don't try to encourage or discourage him in his decisions, but I do support whatever choices he makes, even if he is stupid sometimes...

That gossip is normal. And I have heard plenty in the guard too... But that's besides the point. Actually, that really has no relevance so scratch that out.

Back to the band. We can be clique-y, but can you blame us? A bunch of awkward, antisocial nerds coming together to put on uniforms and march around a field in the hot sun until we pass out from dehydration or heatstroke... We are probably going to find someone and stick to them like glue.

That's what I did my first year because that best friend I just talked about who's a guy and is pretty stupid sometimes, he just up and left me to fend for myself. He bullied me. I just stayed with him the whole time, but the guy I made a special connection with (let's not be weird here, we were and are just friends) was a sophomore.

He played the mellophone. Also known as the portable french horn. This guy was my new best friend and I really did stick to him like glue. He didn't care that some new girl who was just starting out in middle school wanted to hang with him. He welcomed me into this band family and the relationship that I had with him is what I strive to have in the new and members today.

Some kids are liked more than others, and that's a problem. I agree.

We need everyone to be united in Christ.

Straying away from all of that... My dog died today. I watched him take his last breath. It was very sad and I haven't really stopped crying. Man, I really open up to people on this blog. I don't usually show emotions. Anyways, yeah... I don't think I'll get much sleep tonight and I have an English thing due tomorrow so I need to finish that up.

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and and even better rest of the year! (Sorry for the abrupt conclusion!) I'll write again soon!
