Saturday, June 15, 2013

Random..? Or not so much..?

I'm learning how to play the piano. It's actually not as hard as I thought it would be, but it's still challenging...

That was just something that you know about me now. Anyways, here's my real post:

I wander through the beautiful meadow. My white dress barely touches the tips of the green, green grass. As I turn around, my hair flows down to my shoulders, creating a sort of golden frame for my face.

I see a figure off in the distance. He looks kind of lonely for some reason. I wonder why that man over there is all by himself? I skip over to him with the biggest smile I can muster. I sit down next to him and just stare at him, waiting for him to do something, say something.

"Hey, what're you doing?"

"Watching the clouds as they move across the sky, waiting for someone to join me. Would you like to?" I nod to him as he lies down in the grass and then, I copy his actions.

"So, I just watch the clouds as they go by?" The man nods and we just sit there for what seems like hours, watching the clouds move across the sky like sea foam in the ocean.

After a little while, the man sits up and stretches. He turns to me and says, "All right, well, that was fun. I think it's time to go." I look up at the man with sad eyes and plead with him.

"Awww, do we have to? Do we really gotta leave?" He smiles and snickers to himself.

"Yes, we really do gotta leave." He laughs and shakes his head. "Your grammar... Come on, now. Let's get going. Your mother has dinner ready."

I stand up on the trampoline that sits in my backyard and walk over to the small stepstool so that I can get down. Dad goes down first and turns back around to face me, holding out his hand.

I reach up and grab the big hand that is filled with warmth and somehow, I know that he'll always be there for me.

"I love you, Daddy. Happy Father's Day."

I hope all of you father's out there have a wonderful Father's Day. And I hope all you kids wish your father a Happy Father's Day. Be grateful for the time you have with him and cherish every second!

Friday, June 7, 2013

No Insp Yet...

So, I've been trying to write this post for a while, but I realized that it's most likely not a very possible thing to do... You see, basically, I haven't been able to write in forever. I don't know what it is...

I've been trying to write this book that's been on my mind, but it's not... I just haven't been able to think of a way to start it. Yeah, I have a while to figure out what I want to write and how I plan on doing so, but - I just don't understand why I can't figure out what to write.

Well, maybe I should just try my hardest to figure out what to write, how to write it, and when I should have the time for doing so...

You know, I think I'm going to start on it now. Maybe I'll upload it soon or give y'all a sneak peek of it. Well, at least the prologue. So far, it's about two sentences... But I do have at least two or three chapters already written. I'll figure out where everything goes and then, maybe, I'll end up writing something worth people reading.


Maybe the book will just magically appear in front of me and say, "Send me to a publisher! I'm the best book you have ever seen and I think you can make it in the writing-biz!"


I'll just write as I go along and then I can see how everything progresses from there.

Yeah, I think that last one is my best choice...