Sunday, October 19, 2014


Wow. It's been a while, hasn't it?

I'm finally back.

I'm finally writing again.

And I'll tell you what. It feels great.

There's something I want to address first, though, before I get back to my writing. One of my friends is going through a really tough time, and just so you know (I know you'll probs read it, J), we are here for you. Through the ups and the downs and the sideways corkscrews, the loop-de-loops, and the drop towers... We are here for you.

I know that probably sounds like a cheesy piece of garbage or whatever and that it ain't genuine and such, but it is. We know what you're going through, in a different way. We have all experienced what you're going through, just in different ways.

For instance, for me, he never talked to me. We sat in silence and he simply said one day, "We're done." It hurt, but it was a weight off of my shoulders that I didn't think would ever go away. Truthfully, he beat me to it. And I see him every once in a while, but I know that it all worked out for the best.

It hurts, but life hurts too. And then life moves on.

It's all right. We all have our issues and hard times, and it will get better. No matter how much the pain hurts right now, you have friends to pull you away from that.

I need to be pulled away from something right now, and my mind is swirling because of it, but I know that once I see all of y'all - all of my friends - I will be all right.

We don't need no man haha we're independent :)


I've been trying to write a story for the longest time and literally, I just realized that all of my main characters are the exact same. They have the same personalities and the same everything. They reflect me. It was a very emotional moment for me when I came to this realization.

But if you guys really want to read a story, I'll give you one. Just not this week ;) Don't worry, writing month is coming up soon, so there will be a lot of writing and posts then, I think. See you then ;)